Clip - Customer 152 - Dramatic

Clip - Trailer Tales (Stoned Peter Pan) - Comedic

Clip - The Fawn Response - Dramatic

Clip - Customer 152 - Comedic

Speed Reel - Comedic & Dramatic

Short Films

Trailer - Customer 152 (2016)

Togetherness - (Short Film) - Dramatic
Psych-Thriller / Dark Comedy
Best Ensemble - Seattle 48HFP Summer 2015

Clip - Saltwater Zoo - Dramatic

More clips, shorts and previews posted soon. In the meantime, view more clips and shorts at Actor's Accessand

Trailer -

Adulthood - Dramatic
(Dark Comedy/Horror) 

Best Actor - Seattle 48HFHP Fall 2015

Clips - GRIMM (Theo Delano) - Dramatic

2016 Bad Guys Reel - Dramatic
Scenes from Customer 152, GRIMM, Ariel Jane's Holiday. Adulthood & The Fawn Response

Trailer Tales - Episode 1 - Comedic

Clip - Kimmy With It - Comedic

Trailer - Red Tide


​​​​​​​Actor / Voiceover Artist

Clip - Voiceover Guys - Comedic

Dream Dinners Commercial - Father

Clips - Adulthood - Dramatic

Dan Crisafulli

Trailer - Voice Over Guys

Assorted Reels & Clips

Voiceover Guys - Comedic

Voice Reel - Characters - Assorted
Videogame narrator, Gameshow host, Young enthusiastic announcer, Surfer dude.